The developer Areli submitted a planning application in November 2023 (P/2023/3208) for the redevelopment of the currently derelict Sega site on the Great West Road, just behind the Brentford Stadium (see here). The proposed scheme includes five tower blocks up to 80m in height with 916 residential units. The application was summarised on the BrentfordTW8 website here.
Sega Site redevelopment – Great West Road
The Kew Society has supported both Royal Botanic Gardens Kew and Richmond Council in objecting to the proposal on the grounds of the materially adverse impact the tall blocks will have on views from Kew Gardens, Kew Green and the Arcadian Thames towpath, in contravention of the Hounslow Local Plan and Richmond Council’s draft Kew Green Conservation Area Appraisal and its draft Local Views SPD.
We have submitted a letter of objection to Hounslow Council which can be seen here.
Note that Brentford Football Club have also submitted an objection to this planning application, stating ‘the Club cannot help but conclude that, against the background of previously emerging planning policy, the proposals represent overdevelopment of the site especially in terms of building height. The development will overwhelm the Stadium and its related residential development in a way that undermines the whole principle of the Brentford Stadium Quarter being at the heart of the regeneration of the area’.