To make it easier to view we’ve split the discussion into 4 parts and there are captions if you wish to turn them on.
Part 1:
Air quality in Kew : Speaker is Carole Lee, Principle Environmental Health Practitioner (Air Quality) for London Boroughs of Richmond, Merton and Wandsworth.
Part 2:
The London Ultra Low Emission Zone: Speaker is Celeste Hicks, Author “Expansion Rebellion – using the Law to fight a runway and save the planet” , Communications Manager for Clean Cities Campaign and campaigner for “Mums for Lungs”
Part 3:
Climate Change in Kew and its possible effects: Speaker is Roger Mason, Emeritus Professor at Imperial College London and clean air activist and campaigner
Part 4:
Question and answer session: – chaired by Jason Andrews, Environmental Health Pollution Manager (Air Quality) for Merton, Richmond and Wandsworth Boroughs
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Image from: Climate Central/ Google