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16th March 2022 in Planning, News

77 North Road

77 North Road, Kew
Ref: 21/4423

16 March 2022


This site was previously the North Road GP Surgery.  An application for substantial extensions and alterations for a day nursery for up to 80 children with 15-25 staff has been made.  We have submitted observations as follows:“The Kew Society is generally supportive of the site’s being a day nursery but the scale of this proposal in the context of the neighbourhood and the effect on the amenity of the neighbours should, however, be considered in deciding this application.

We have concerns arising from the proposed scale of the development (physically and in numbers of children and staff). The numbers 62 (noise assessment) and 80 (transport statement) are both given for the numbers of children proposed so it is not clear how many children are planned to attend and there are intended to be 15-25 staff as well.The alterations are extensive such that they may be considered overbearing and too large in the context of the residential area in which is it situate.

The loss of light to the side window of the neighbour at 76 due to the building extension at the front and side is noted by the applicant but is regarded as acceptable by the applicant.

Despite the suggested timing of play and the numbers of children at each play time being suggested in the application and an acoustic fence at the rear, there could be considerable noise generated by the children playing outside at the rear in the garden area and there would also be noise from the first floor terrace at the front of the property. The Noise Assessment says that this terrace “will not be a traditional play area but more of an outdoor extension to the nursery room”. That would seem to be a play area by any meaning. This might not be considered an appropriate use for the front area as it will clearly generate noise and overlooking, particularly to 76 North Road.

Traffic generation must be greater than the previous use, even if be limited to setting down and picking up times. The applicant does not foresee that parking may be a problem but the provision of parking on site is very low for the staff numbers alone. This site is in a location of poor public transport, which indicates, realistically, that many of the children will be driven to the nursery.  There are proposed nearby developments in the vicinity (Homebase site on Manor Road with 453 units approved in principle by the Mayor of London;  Sandycombe Centre with 21 nearing completion) and the future impact on parking/traffic of these developments needs to be considered.

The hours of operating are said to be Monday to Friday but weekend hours are left open. We would suggest, therefore, that if permission is granted there be conditions attached restricting hours of use to weekdays (not weekends or holidays); restrictions on the number of children altogether and those playing outside at any one time so as to mitigate effects on the neighbours’ amenity. Other conditions may be appropriate.”

Image courtesy: Google maps

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