Latest News and Updates
Kew Sparkle fundraising gets off to a dazzling start
80 paying guests, including Kew Society Trustees, attend a dinner to raise money for this year's Kew Sparkle event.
We organise a wide range of events and activities to connect like-minded people in Kew together, from interesting talks to informative walks as well as networking and socialising. Find out more below.
First Thursday of each month except January – 6pm to 8pm
These informal gatherings are a great way to meet new people and to reconnect with other locals. Generously supported by the Kew Community Trust, who provide excellent facilities in The Avenue. To encourage conversation, Kew Society offers a free ‘welcome cocktail’ to everyone as they arrive and other drinks are available in exchange for a donation for community projects. Free entry, all welcome!
We organise a varied programme of talks by interesting and informed speakers that often have a connection with Kew.
Check our event calendar to see what’s on.
We are always open to ideas for talks and speakers.
Often – but not always – linked with our environmental activities, these have recently focused upon the management of the river, nature conservation on Barnes Common and the Thames Landscape Strategy.
Occasionally we join forces with The Avenue Club to offer a coach trip to a destination of interest, such as Bletchley Park.
We plan to extend the range of social activities and welcome ideas and volunteers, to enable us to offer events that will become highlights of the local calendar. Top of the list is the re-introduction of the ‘Pagoda Picnic’ in Kew Gardens. Make sure you are signed up for our email newsletters to stay up to date on future gatherings.
Have an idea for an event? We would love to hear from you.
The lack of easy step-free access at Kew Gardens Station presents a real challenge to many people, especially those that have a physical disability or are pushing buggies. Although the Tube map shows Kew Gardens as an accessible station, anyone who’s put that to the test will tell you it’s only true in the most literal sense. Getting from one platform to the other involves a journey of 600 metres up and over the road bridge, along pavements disrupted by tree roots. That’s why The Kew Society is playing a leading role, alongside Richmond Council, in lobbying for a bridge that would be accessed from a lift on each side.
This campaign has been given new impetus by the recent decision by the Access for All (AfA) fund to refuse our latest application.
Whether you live in the area, work here or just love to visit, you can help us care for Kew by joining the Kew Society.
Membership is just £10 a year per person, and every new member increases our influence and ability to work on your behalf.
Please join us or renew today and play a part in helping keep Kew a great place to be.
per year