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11th October 2023 in Planning, News

Kew Green Conservation Area

Public Consultation on Richmond Council’s draft new Kew Green Conservation Area Appraisal.

Richmond Council have published a new Draft Appraisal of the Kew Green Conservation Area to revise the existing Appraisal adopted in 1994. This is part of a borough-wide programme of reviewing existing Conservation Areas to ‘ensure they are reflective of their current character and appearance’. A map of the Conservation Areas is here .

The Council is encouraging people to submit their views and comments by the deadline of 27 October and have set up a web page here for the submission of feedback.

The Draft Appraisal proposes changes to the boundary of the Conservation Area which would include Gloucester Court and remove numbers 1-24 Mortlake Road, together with certain other alterations (see Part 3).

We have submitted a response and have added a comment on the siting of solar panels on roofs of buildings in Conservation Areas. The Draft Appraisal (Part 3) proposes that solar panels should not be positioned on the front roof slope of properties in Conservation Areas.

This is another instance of the need for balancing different priorities when considering planning issues: the preservation and enhancement of heritage assets versus the need/desirability of environmentally-friendly energy.   We support the principle of solar panels wholeheartedly, so it is the sympathetic siting of them that is the pertinent issue.

We encourage people to get involved in the Consultation on this important new Appraisal and submit their feedback by the 27 October deadline, if they have not already done so.

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