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12th October 2024 in Environment, News

Pensford Field

Over the past month, many members have been in touch to ask us about what is happening at Pensford Field, as a result of the council taking the decision to give notice to the current leaseholders – the Pensford Field Environmental Trust – and transfer the management to  another charity – Dose of Nature – from September 2025.

It’s clear that the consultation process was flawed and now the leader of the council, Cllr. Gareth Roberts,  has invited both charities to meet with him to try to reach a mutually satisfactory way forward.

With the agreement of both parties, the Kew Society has also formally asked to attend.

The private meeting will take place on Friday November 29th at 1500.

Our remit is to preserve and enhance the amenities and environment of Kew on behalf of the wider community and we are doing all we can to try to achieve a positive outcome; one which will ensure that the interests of all relevant parties are taken into proper account in how this special place is used.

We are in contact with all the parties and I will keep you updated on progress.

Shiona Williams

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